sábado, março 31

Oracle Open World (Latin América)

Durante os dias 27, 28 e 29 de Marco ocorreu em São Paulo a Oracle Open World. O evento apresentou solucões e tendências não apenas da própria Oracle, como também de parceiros como a IBM, SUN, HP, Dell além da gaúcha Acão informática.

O evento foi uma grande oportunidade para a Oracle apresentar produtos vindos das suas últimas aquisicões em 2006 e principalmente 2005. Essas compras deixaram a Oracle muito mais agressiva no mercado de solucões integradas de software. Como mostrou o Cyro Diehl, hoje a Oracle já está presente em pequenas e médias empresas, "hoje temos Oracle Applications em escritórios de advocacias e padarias", disse Diehl.

Gostaria de ressaltar uma iniciativa da Oracle Education Fundation - www.think.com - empresa sem fins lucrativos criada pela Oracle para incentivar a educacão. A idéia é uma comunidade online, onde alunos e professores podem entrar e aprender com base na colaboracão mútua. Para ter acesso as ferramentas interativas, websites, email, há muito espaço para criar e compartilhar idéias. As escolas precisam se cadastrar junto à instituicão, que então libera o acesso aos professores e alunos. Os pais e professores tem um excelênte controle de conteúdo, deixando assim esse sistema de aprendizado muito seguro.

Para quem não esteve presente, existem diversas entrevistas disponíveis no site do TVOracle http://oracle.corptv.com.br As entrevistas de Cyro Diehl - think.com, Javier Cordeiro - Fusões e o video de coletiva realizada com o presidente mudial Charles Philips são bacanas.

segunda-feira, março 19

Vim Tips

Hello! Vim is a great editor (the best text editor in my opinion). But at first look it seems crazy and very confuse.

Vertical selection:
Many people know the visual selection, but Vim has also the vertical selection:

CTRL + v

produces this:

vertical selection example.
bla bla bla bla bla bla
ble ble ble ble ble ble
bli bli bli bli bli bli
blo blo blo blo blo
blu blu blu blu blu

Auto indent on past:
When you past any content copied from another application (ie. firefox), vim automatically indent each line, but it's useless. So you can change this configuration while past:
:set paste
then... past your text...

segunda-feira, março 12

How to install UML with kernel 2.6 (and use in production!)

My friend Francisco try to install uml on debian sarge, and I think so it was hard to he as hard to me. And becase that little story I made this how to.

I named host the computer that will runing another uml machines, and virtual user mode machines I called umlhosts.

First you need to install debian sarge on host, and I think so you know how do this, but if you don't, download Debian Net Install from this link, and follow this instructions. We also need create one commom user, here called ernexto on host. This user will run virtual machines.

With host machine running, install User Mode Linux, these are the basic steps:

1. Install uml-utilities package:

apt-get install uml-utilities;
2. Install user_mode_linux package:
This package exists only in debian testing (etch), so if you're installing on etch host, you don't need change apt sources.list file, but my friend Xico is installing on Sarge... type all these commands! hehehe
cd /etc/apt;
cp sources.list sources.list.backup;
echo "deb http://http.us.debian.org/debian testing main contrib non-free" >> /etc/apt/sources.list;
apt-get update;
apt-get install user-mode-linux;
mv sources.list.backup sources.list;
3. Install bridge:
If you need use network in umlhosts, you need this package. Exists many ways to put network working, you can learn more at UML official site.
apt-get install bridge-utils;
4. Download one filesystem:
At uml site, you can download many filesystems. Redhat, debian, slack and others are available. We are going to download Debian 3.0 filesystem from this link. After download, unzip the file using
bunzip2 Debian-3.0r0.ext2.bz2
5. Running it!
Now we have all that we need to running many uml virtual hosts without network configuration. You can test the uml installation typing these commands:
linux ubd0=Debian-3.0r0.ext2;
You will see the commom linux initialization screen, services wake up, and if all occured successful, the login screen. You can logging it using username: root, and blank password.

6. Setup network:
You can normal shutdown the umlhost. We use tun/tap devices to run virtual network. Tun/tap is good for security reasons, becase use preconfigured devices. We will create one tun/tap device, called tap0, belongs to ernexto.
tunctl -u ernexto
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
route add -host dev tap0
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/tap0/proxy_arp
arp -Ds eth0 pub

brctl addbr br0
ifconfig eth0 promisc up
ifconfig tap0 promisc up
ifconfig br0 netmask up
brctl stp br0 off
brctl setfd br0 1
brctl sethello br0 1
brctl addif br0 eth0
brctl addif br0 tap0

7. Finish
With tap device configured, you can run umlhost again, now starting with eth0 device.
linux.uml ubd0=Debian,eth0=tap0
After loggin in umlhost, configure network normally, using command ifconfig eth0. You can set default gatway to host ip.

For more information, see links bellow, or send mail to me.